Friday, December 14, 2007

"Writers Talking" at Central Library

If you've been on the Portland literary scene for more than, say, 20 minutes, then you know Monica Drake and James Bernard Frost. If you don't, you should. So either way, let's go support them tomorrow and check out their reading session at the downtown library.

Saturday, December 15, 1–2:30 p.m.
Central Library, U.S. Bank Room

If they're in the mood, it should be a total trip. And if you go, come find me. I'll be the guy in the green "Write" tee shirt. Oh, but I handed out a bunch of shirts, so it might be hard to spot me. On second thought, ignore me and focus on these two rocking artists. Here's where you can find more info.

Alright, if you're still not convinced, you have weekend plans, or you're bibliotecaphobic, just go get their work and read: Jim's World Leader Pretend and Monica's Clown Girl.

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