Friday, August 31, 2007

Introducing our St. Johns Writers’ Annex

We’ve landed an amazing space for writing groups, readings, weekend workshops, garden parties, intimate literary events… and writing workstations for weekly or monthly rental.

The space is unbelievable, just over the St. Johns bridge on N. Chicago one block from Lombard. It’s a shiny new yoga studio that we’ll transform, on the same property as my brother’s martial arts school. Hence the name we’re contemplating: The Writers Dojo.

There’s plenty of work ahead to transform the location from gorgeous yoga studio to writing lab and literary workspace. Stay tuned for more details on:

  • Launch party, reading, and grand opening

  • Web site experience

  • And the ongoing work to develop the downtown location for full a Writers’ Room

Here are a few quick pics of the main floor. Better shots of the full location and garden to come.